July 2007

Commander’s Column – By Nick Posey

We will be meeting at a temporary location this month since Sconyers closed starting Thursday, July 5th and won’t reopen until Thursday, July 19th. We usually meet at the Warren Road Community Center for our July meeting, but due to their new hours of operation, that location is not available since they now close at 7:00 p.m. every Thursday.

We’ll meet this month at the North Leg Family Restaurant located in the fork of North Leg and Sibley Road, one-tenth of a mile off of Wrightsboro Road. This should be an easy location for everybody to find. At the intersection of Wrightsboro Road, Jackson Road and North Leg, turn onto North Leg and get into the left turn lane and turn onto Sibley Road. The North Leg Family Restaurant is located in the little shopping center on the Sibley Road side. You can also go past where you would turn onto Sibley road and turn left into the shopping center directly off of North Leg.

The intersection of Wrightsboro Road, Jackson Road and North Leg is two miles from Highland Avenue, like coming from downtown Augusta, and one mile from Bobby Jones Expressway I-520, like you’re coming from Augusta Mall. At the intersection where you turn onto North Leg, there’s a Walgreen’s Pharmacy and a Wife Saver. See the map on page 3.

Our program speaker for Thursday night will be Steve Burke who is a member of the McLeod-Moring Camp #1386 in Swainsboro. He’ll speak on "Native American Survival Skills." Steve has done extensive research on this subject, so this should be a very interesting and entertaining presentation.

New Members…

Camp #158 welcomes its newest Cadet member, Kenneth Ivey Kitchens II, accepted for membership at the June 14th meeting. He was eligible for membership through his Confederate ancestor Sergeant Benjamin Franklin Ivey, who served in Company B, 48th Georgia Infantry (Wright’s Brigade).

Camp #158 also welcomes its two newest members accepted for membership at the June 14th meeting. Charlie Matthew Roberts was eligible for membership through his Confederate ancestor Private Richard F. Roberts, who served in Company B, 53rd Georgia Infantry ("South River Farmers"). Timothy Lee Mashburn was accepted for membership through his Confederate ancestor Private Elias Hicks, who served in Company K, 5th Florida Infantry Regiment.









SCV Websites

B/G E. Porter Alexander Camp #158: http://www.eporteralexander.homestead.com/Index.html

GA Division SCV Website: http://www.georgiascv.com/

SCV National Website: http://www.scv.org/


■ Thursday, July 12th – Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 will meet at the North Leg Family Restaurant at 7:00 p.m. The program speaker will be Steve Burke, a member of McLeod-Moring Camp #1386 in Swainsboro. He’ll speak on "Native American Survival Skills."

■ Wednesday, July 18th – Old Men’s Crew Magnolia Cemetery Workday, 8:30 – 11:00

■ Saturday, August 4th – Magnolia Cemetery Workday, 9:00 – 11:00

■ Thursday, August 9th – Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 will meet at Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant at 7:00 p.m. The program speaker will be SCV Field Representative Jack Marlar from Fountain Inn, South Carolina. He will speak on "Great Artillery Actions of the War Between the States."

■ Saturday, September 1st – Magnolia Cemetery Workday, 9:00 – 11:00

■ Thursday, September 13th – Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 will meet at Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant at 7:00 p.m. The program speaker will be Mr. Hu Daughtry, who will speak on "Confederate Tales of Candler and Connected Counties."




***Upcoming Events for 2007***

Saturday, August 25th – The movie FIRETRAIL will premiere at 7:00 p.m., at the Imperial Theater in Augusta. Filming for the movie began at the Battle For Columbia in May 2006, and the finale-filming event was done at the Battle of Aiken in February 2007.

Saturday, September 22nd & Sunday, September 23rd – "Battle for the Market" at the Barnyard Flea Market: Camp #158 will participate in this weekend event of living history and re-enactments with the 32nd Georgia Artillery and the 5th Georgia Infantry.

Saturday, September 29 – Hephzibah’s September Fest: Camp #158 will march in the parade at 10:00 a.m. The camp will have a booth set up from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 6th – The Annual Oliver Hardy Festival is to be held in downtown Harlem. The camp will reserve a booth to sell camp store merchandise and raffle tickets. Festival hours are from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 20th – River’s Bridge Camp #842 in Fairfax, SC, will have their annual "Children’s Southern Heritage Day," a full day of Southern heritage and history for young people. Camp #158 re-enactors will participate in this living history program.

Saturday, November 3rd – Living History Presentation at Augusta Canal Interpretive Center located at Enterprise Mill on 1450 Greene Street in Augusta. Confederate Re-enactors from Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 and the 32nd Georgia Artillery will give living history presentations from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.



◄Annual SCV Membership Dues ►

Annual SCV membership dues are due beginning August 1st.

Camp #158 dues are $41.00 per year ($20.00 SCV National + $12.00 GA Division + $9.00 Camp #158 = $41.00)

■ If you are a Life Member of SCV National your annual dues are $21.00 ($12.00 GA Division + $9.00 Camp #158 = $21.00)

■ If you are a Life Member of the GA Division your annual dues are $29.00 ($20 SCV National + $9.00 Camp #158 = $29.00)

■ If you are a Life Member of SCV National & the GA Division your annual dues are $9.00 (Camp #158 dues = $9.00)

Your dues can be paid at one of the next four camp meetings, or mailed to the Camp’s Post Office Box at this address:

Sons of Confederate Veterans

B/G E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

Post Office Box 3694, Hill Station

Augusta, GA 30904




















Meeting Minutes for June 14th, 2007

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 – Sons of Confederate Veterans

Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant - Augusta, Georgia

Camp Commander Nick Posey called the monthly meeting of Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 to order at 7:00 p.m. Mark Gay gave the invocation. The following pledges were recited by the group: Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the "Real" Georgia Flag, the salute to the Confederate Flag and the salute to the Christian Flag. Commander Posey read the "SCV Charge."

Commander Posey introduced twenty-eight guests in attendance.

The meeting minutes for the May meeting were approved as published in the June Wig Wag

Program Speaker – Commander Posey introduced Dr. John Griffin from Lancaster, SC, who spoke on "Lt. Bill Farrow: Doolittle Raider."

Members of the Jeanie Benson Children of the Confederacy Chapter #884 from North Augusta, SC, presented a framed Confederate Powder Works print to Camp #158 member Arnold Huskins, who won the print in a fund raising drawing.

Commander Nick Posey presented camp member Carl Mixon with the General Patrick Cleburne mini-bust that he won in the fund raising drawing that was held at the May 10th meeting.

Commander Posey presented Georgia Division Life Membership pins to members those present that had previously joined as life members.

Applications for Membership – An application was presented to the camp and the applicant was unanimously accepted for Cadet membership into the Sons of Confederate Veterans: Kenneth Ivey Kitchens II was accepted as a Cadet member through his Confederate ancestor Sergeant Benjamin Franklin Ivey, who served in Company B, 48th Georgia Infantry (Wright’s Brigade). Kenneth is the son of Camp #158 member Kenneth Kitchens.

Two applications for membership were presented to the membership and were also unanimously accepted: Charlie Matthew Roberts was accepted as a member through his Confederate ancestor Private Richard F. Roberts, who served in Company B, 53rd Georgia Infantry ("South River Farmers"), and Timothy Lee Mashburn was accepted for membership through his Confederate ancestor Private Elias Hicks, who served in Company K, 5th Florida Infantry Regiment.

Reports of Officers

Lt. Commander Ron Udell commented that we didn’t have very many people to stop by our living history presentation at the Barnyard Flea Market on May 26th due to the unsuitable location of the booth. He also mentioned the upcoming "Battle for the Market" living history and re-enactment to be held at the Barnyard Flea Market on September 22nd & 23rd.

Treasurer Henry Gilmer provided the Camp Finance Report for the month of May.

Quartermaster Ben Creech reported that he had $68.00 in the cash box when the camp went to the Barnyard flea Market on May 26th. The cost to rent the booth was $12.00. The camp sold $88.00 worth of merchandise that day, leaving an amount of $144.00 in the Quartermaster’s cash box.

Commander Nick Posey

■ gave a brief report on the 110th Georgia Division Reunion held in Metter on Saturday, June 9th

■ thanked everyone who worked at Magnolia Cemetery to help clean up the Confederate sections on Saturday, June 2nd

■ thanked Shannon Herron for placing a new silk flower arrangement on Mary Hall’s grave in Magnolia Cemetery

■ thanked the Old Men’s Crew for working at Magnolia Cemetery this morning for the mid-month cleanup of the Confederate sections

■ announced that we would have a Magnolia Cemetery Workday on Saturday, July 7th, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.

■ gave an update on vandalism of the Confederate monument on Broad Street and the cleanup effort by the city to remove the writing

■ a meeting will be set up with Mayor Deke Copenhaver before the next camp meeting on July 12th to discuss obtaining funding for the Confederate Powder Works Chimney Restoration Project

■ there will be a change of location for the July 12th meeting since Sconyers will be closed during that week

■ our program speaker for the July 12th meeting will be Steve Burke. He’ll speak on "Native American Survival Skills."

■ mentioned the "Radio Free Dixie" program being started in Columbia, SC, by Past Commander Don Gordon who is a member of the Lt. General Wade Hampton Camp #273 in Columbia; members were asked if they would like to subscribe to a weekly CD of the radio program for $28.00 a month, which would help fund the weekly radio program.

New Business –

A motion was made, seconded and passed to have two Confederate Powder Works prints framed: one for the camp raffle prize give-a-way on November 24th, and another as a gift for the gentleman who has provided us with free raffle tickets for the last 4-1/2 years ($500 to $600 worth of raffle tickets). The prints will cost $77.04 each to be framed and matted ($154.08 total).

A motion was made, seconded and passed for the camp to purchase five 3’ x 5’cotton flags for use at memorial services at $36.00 each for a total of $180.00. Flags to be purchased are the 1st National Confederate flag, 2nd National flag, 3rd National flag, Confederate Battle flag and Bonnie Blue flag.

A motion was made, seconded and passed for the camp to give a $200.00 donation to the living history/re-enactment in which Camp #158 will participate in at the Barnyard Flea Market on September 22nd & 23rd. The $200.00 will be used as a bounty (incentive) for re-enactors to support the event. A $100 bounty will be paid to the largest Confederate unit with 15 or more soldiers, and a $100 bounty will also be paid to the largest Union unit with 15 or more soldiers.

A motion was made, seconded and passed to authorize Commander Nick Posey along with a consensus of the camp's officers, in future incidents of vandalism, to initially offer a $500.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for vandalizing the Confederate monument on Broad Street. If necessary the reward amount can be raised to $1000.00 by Commander Posey with a consensus of the camp's officers.

A motion was made, seconded and passed for the camp to send James Lee Martin (son of member Daniel Martin) to the Sam Davis Youth Camp in Leesville, SC, from July 30th - August 5th. The cost is $495.00. The membership voted to pay $245.00 toward the cost, and the Weavers (Philip, Luke and Marty) made a donation of $250.00 to pay half of the cost. The donation by the Weavers was made in memory of Samuel Lucas Weaver, one-week old infant son of Luke Weaver, who died on October 23rd, 2006.

A motion was made, seconded and passed for the camp to reimburse Terry Bowers for the annual renewal fee of $99.00 for the camp's website.

The monthly prize drawing was conducted by Treasurer Henry Gilmer to provide a monthly donation to the Southern Legal Resource Center, funding for our Lee-Jackson Banquet Fund and the camp’s general fund.

Adjournment - There being no further business and no objection to adjourn, it was so declared by general consent by Commander Posey and the meeting was adjourned. Quartermaster Ben Creech gave the Benediction, followed by our usual resounding rendition of Dixie.


Respectfully submitted,

Commander Nick Posey

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

P. O. Box 3694, Hill Station

Augusta, GA 30904


"Truth crushed to the earth is truth

still and like a seed will rise again."

-- President Jefferson Davis



**** Next SCV Camp #158 Meeting ***

North Leg Family Restaurant, July 12th, 2007

Wig Wag –July 2007 Edition

The Official Monthly Newsletter of

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

Editor, Philip J. Miller

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Augusta, Georgia