November 2006

Commander’s Column - By Nick Posey

I wasn’t able to get the newsletter sent out before the camp meeting this month, so this will be a brief edition of the Wig Wag.

About the most significant news is the current status of our membership after the passing of the November 1st membership renewal deadline. We had eight members that didn’t renew, which leaves us with a total of 104. This includes the three new members and one transfer that joined at the November 9th meeting.

I want to thank the members that participated in the Magnolia Cemetery Workdays on Friday, 11/03, and Saturday, 11/04. For both days we had 15 members, and 5 family members and friends of camp members to participate. The participation of twenty people in a cemetery cleanup is pretty impressive. As always, our Confederate sections are the most well kept in Magnolia Cemetery. This is something our camp takes great pride in, and these workdays are a good time for members to spend a little time together and get to know each other.

We’ve had good response and interest at the last few meetings in regard to new members joining the camp. This is encouraging because for many months prior to that we hardly had any new member applications submitted. Every active member should make it a goal during this membership year to recruit just one family member, friend or acquaintance into the SCV. (The SCV Membership Year runs from November 1st to July 31st.) This is a very reasonable goal for us to achieve. If you can get a prospective member to our meeting, and he can experience the fellowship and closeness of our group, hear a good speaker and learn some true Southern history, and be in a place with like-minded Southerners, in most cases that person should want to become a part of the SCV. We have an active camp, and if a new member wants to get involved and participate with us, we have plenty for them to do and welcome their participation. Having to be involved in camp activities, however, is not a prerequisite or requirement for membership in Camp #158. It should be stressed to a prospective member that if they can’t be involved in the camp’s activities, or they cannot attend all meetings, that we would still like to have them as a member of the SCV.

In closing I would like to remind you that Sons of Confederate Veterans Commander-in-Chief Christopher Sullivan is speaking at our December 14th meeting. It’s not often that most of us at the camp level have the opportunity to meet our Commander-in-Chief, and I hope all of you will be able to attend and take advantage of this rare opportunity.

Camp #158 welcomes its three newest member who were accepted for membership into the Sons of Confederate Veterans at our October 12th meeting.

■ Barry Whitney, Jr. was accepted for membership through his great grandfather Brigadier General Edward Porter Alexander, Chief of Artillery, Longstreet’s Corp, Army of Northern Virginia.

■ Marty Weaver was accepted for membership through his 2nd great uncle, Pvt. David Weaver, Company C, 7th Kentucky Infantry.

¦ David Rock was accepted for membership through his 3rd great grandfather, Pvt. John Jacob Folk, Company G, 10th Battalion Cavalry SC Volunteers.




Meeting Minutes for October 12th, 2006

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant - Augusta, Georgia

Camp Commander Nick Posey called the monthly meeting of Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 to order at 7:00 PM. Lt. Cmdr. Ron Udell gave the Invocation and Terry Bowers led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. Commander Posey then led the Pledge of Allegiance to the "Real" Georgia State Flag, the salute to the Confederate Flag, and the salute to the Christian Flag. He then read the "SCV Charge."

Commander Posey introduced many guests in attendance. These included: our 5th Brigade Commander, Michael Mull of the Ogeechee Rifles Camp #941, Statesboro, Georgia, and representatives from: several UDC Chapters and SCV Camps, and family members of these organizations and our camp. Also attending was Barry Whitney, great grandson of Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander.

The meeting minutes of the September meeting were approved as published in the October Wigwag with one correction cited on the weekday of our next meeting (this was later retracted as the error was in the Wig Wag and not the minutes).

Special Announcements of Upcoming Events:

Program Speaker

Commander Posey introduced the speaker for the evening, Dr. John Griffin, of Lancaster, SC. Dr. Griffin is the author of numerous books and a retired history professor from the University of South Carolina - Lancaster. The topic presented by Dr. Griffin was an interesting and convincing discussion on "Abraham Lincoln's Execution." There is certainly reason to believe that John Wilkes Booth acted on orders from Lincoln's Secretary of War and this is discussed in detail in Dr. Griffin's recent book of the same title.

Commander Posey thanked Dr. Griffin and presented him with a framed photograph of the Confederate Powder Works Chimney, taken at its 140th Anniversary in 2002.

Commander Posey stated that it had been determined that the correction to the meeting minutes was not necessary. The meeting minutes were correct; the error in dates was found to be in the body of the newsletter under announcements.

Application for Membership

The camp accepted the three applicants by a unanimous voice vote.

Presentation of SCV Membership Certificates

The presentation of membership certificates was postponed until the November meeting.

Reports of Officers

1st Lieutenant Commander Ron Udell reported a total donation of $2001.00 for the raffle; this included $562.00 from flea markets. He announced the winners from the drawing at the Oliver Hardy Festival. They were:

Treasurer Lee Herron provided the September camp financial report.

Commander Nick Posey reported on the following:

New Business

A facility for the Lee-Jackson Banquet was decided on. Options presented were:

A motion was made to use the American Legion and was seconded. A short discussion ensued about using the Savannah River Boat House for $650 and it was also stated that the Julian Smith Hall was already taken. The motion for using the American Legion Hall passed by voice vote.

Caterers for the event were discussed briefly.


Commander Posey reminded all to consult the Meeting Agenda handout for a list of upcoming events. These events as listed in the agenda are repeated here:

■ Saturday, October 21st and Sunday, October 22nd Raid on 1810 West Inn & Rendezvous re-enactment in Thomson hosted by the 5th Georgia Infantry.

■ Friday, October 20th and Saturday, October 21st Stephen D. Lee Institute at Macon State College in Macon, Georgia. The Georgia Division SCV & General Edward Dorr Tracy, Jr., Camp #18 in Macon are co-sponsoring this event. The cost to attend is $54.00 per person. For information contact Al Perry at 912-276-4440 or email

■ Saturday, November 4thMagnolia Cemetery Workday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.

■ Thursday, November 9th – The next Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 Meeting will be held at Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant at 7:00 p.m. Our program speaker will be Georgia Division Commander Charlie Lott.

■ Saturday, November 11th – A Veterans Day Observance Ceremony will be conducted at 11:00 a.m. at the All Wars Monument located at 4th and Broad Streets.

Door Prize Drawing

The monthly door prize drawing to provide funding to the Southern Legal Resource Center and Lee-Jackson Banquet Fund was conducted.


There being no objection to adjourn the meeting, it was so declared by general consent by Commander Posey. Mike Milford provided the Benediction; this was followed by our usual resounding rendition of Dixie.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Lee Bowers

Conscripted Secretary

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

P. O. Box 3694, Hill Station

Augusta, GA 30904


"Truth crushed to the earth is truth

still and like a seed will rise again."

-- President Jefferson Davis




***** Next SCV Camp #158 Meeting *****

Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant - December 14th, 7:00 pm

Wig Wag – November 2006 Edition

The Official Monthly Newsletter of

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Augusta, Georgia