October 2006

Commander’s Column - By Nick Posey

At this time we still have a large percentage of the membership that have not paid their dues for the new 2006 - 2007 membership year. There’s about three weeks remaining to get your annual dues paid before the October 31st deadline. If you haven’t sent in your dues, please don’t delay! If you procrastinate and don’t pay until after the deadline you’ll have to pay a $5.00 reinstatement fee, which means your subscriptions to the Confederate Veteran magazine and The Georgia Confederate will stop. It’s extra work for the Adjutant and Treasurer when dues aren’t paid on time, so please make this a priority and don’t be late.

The drawing for our fund raising raffle was held on Saturday, October 7th, at the Oliver Hardy Festival in Harlem. I was very pleased that all the tickets were sold. I would like to thank all camp members who participated to help sell raffle tickets, but a special note of appreciation goes to four camp members. In large part, thanks to their persistent efforts, all 2000 tickets were sold before the drawing. I’ll recognize them at the next meeting.

At our meeting this Thursday night, our program speaker will be Dr. John Griffin from Lancaster, SC., a history professor at the University of South Carolina. He’ll speak on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. In his talk he’ll discuss who was really behind Lincoln’s execution, and the motive behind it. His theory on Lincoln’s assassination will be much different from the usual propaganda we’ve been

accustomed to hearing from Northern historians. This should be quite an interesting discussion from a man who has done extensive research on the subject of Lincoln’ execution. Hopefully you’ll be able to come Thursday and bring a guest, and I look forward to seeing all of you for another night of good Southern fellowship at Sconyers.


◄ SCV Membership Dues ►

Annual SCV membership dues are due before October 31st!

Camp #158 dues are $41.00 per year ($20.00 SCV National + $12.00 GA Division + $9.00 Camp #158 = $41.00)

■ If you’re a Life Member of SCV National your annual dues are $21.00 ($12.00 GA Division + $9.00 Camp #158 = $21.00)

■ If you’re a Life Member of the GA Division your annual dues are $29.00 ($20 SCV National + $9.00 Camp #158 = $29.00)

■ If you’re a Life Member of SCV National & the GA Division your annual dues are $9.00 (Camp #158 dues = $9.00)

Your annual dues can be paid at the next camp meeting on October 12th, or mailed to the Camp’s Post Office Box at this address:

Sons of Confederate Veterans

B/G E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

Post Office Box 3694, Hill Station

Augusta, GA 30904

Camp #158 welcomes its four newest member who were accepted for membership into the Sons of Confederate Veterans at our September 14th meeting.

■ Lonnie Bargeron was accepted for membership through his 2nd Great Grandfather, Private John Gunol Bargeron of Company G, 32nd GA Regiment.

■ Mark Alan Gay, Sr. was accepted for membership through his 2nd Great Grandfather, Private Thomas Nathan Tudor of Company G, 21st Regiment GA Volunteer Army.

■ Joseph Poteet was accepted for membership through his 2nd Great Uncle, Private Ervin H. Poteet of Company C, 11th Regiment GA Infantry.

■ Timothy McPhail Price was accepted for membership through his 2nd Great Grandfather, Private Samuel Bussey Rogers of Company G, 7th Regiment SC Infantry.

Camp News & Events…

Camp #158 members attended or participated in the following events:

The Old Men’s Crew had a workday at Magnolia Cemetery on Thursday, September 14th. They cut the grass and raked leaves in the Confederate sections, at the seven general’s gravesites and at Mary Hall’s grave.

On Friday, September 22nd, six of our camp members attended the annual Stephen D. Lee Banquet hosted by Sergeant Berry G. Benson Camp #1672 in North Augusta, SC. The banquet was held at the North Augusta Country Club, and the keynote speaker was Dr. Clyde Wilson, Professor of History Emeritus at the University of South Carolina. He spoke on "Fighting Back: The Stephen D. Lee Institute." Dr. Wilson is a member of the Colonel Olin M. Dantzler Camp #73 in Orangeburg, South Carolina.

At Hephzibah’s 3rd Annual September Fest on Saturday, September 23rd, Camp #158 re-enactors, 5th Georgia Infantry re-enactors and other camp members marched in the festival’s parade. Shannon and Allison Herron marched along in period dress, and Mr. Roy Flanders of Camp #207 also marched with us. Mrs. Marie Powell shuttled those participating in the parade from the festival grounds to the parade line-up area, and we thank her for helping out again this year. The camp had a merchandise booth setup to sell camp store items and raffle tickets.

On Saturday, September 30th, Camp #158 members had a booth at the Barnyard Flea Market of Augusta to sell camp store items and the remaining raffle tickets before the drawing on October 7th in Harlem. Members also gave living history presentations to patrons of the flea market.

We had a Magnolia Cemetery Workday on Saturday, October 7th from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Camp members cut grass and raked leaves in the Confederate sections, at the seven general’s graves and at Mary Hall’s gravesite.

On Saturday, October 7th, the 18th Annual Oliver Hardy Festival was held in downtown Harlem. The camp’s re-enactors marched in the parade in the morning, and the camp had a booth setup to sell camp store merchandise. The remaining raffle tickets, of the 2000 we started with initially, were sold before the drawing. The drawings for the Winchester Model 70 hunting rifle, the 2nd place ($200) & 3rd place ($100) prizes, were held at 1:00 p.m. These were the winners: Mr. Chuck Bragg of North Augusta was the winner of the rifle. Mr. A. Jarvis of Beech Island won the 2nd prize of $200, and Mr. Ed Driver of Grovetown won the 3rd prize of $100.


Thursday, October 12th – The Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 Meeting will be held at Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant at 7:00 p.m. Our program speaker is Dr. John Griffin from Lancaster, SC. He’ll speak on his newly published book, "The Execution of Abraham Lincoln."

Saturday, October 21st and Sunday, October 22nd Raid on 1810 West Inn & Rendezvous re-enactment in Thomson hosted by the 5th Georgia Infantry.

Friday, October 20th and Saturday, October 21st Stephen D. Lee Institute at Macon State College in Macon, Georgia. The Georgia Division SCV & General Edward Dorr Tracy, Jr., Camp #18 in Macon are co-sponsoring this event.

Topics & Speakers:

"Northern Economic Exploitation of the South" by Thomas DiLorenzo

"Lincoln and Slavery" by Donald Livingston

"Yankee War Crimes" by Brian Cisco

"The Confederate Constitution" by Marshall DeRosa

"States Rights" by Clyde Wilson

The cost to attend is $54.00 per person. For information contact Al Perry at 912-276-4440 or email asp3@plantel.net

Saturday, November 4thMagnolia Cemetery Workday in the Confederate sections from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.

Saturday, November 9th – The Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 Meeting will be held at Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant at 7:00 p.m. Our program speaker will be Georgia Division SCV Commander Charlie Lott from Winston, Georgia. Commander Lott is a member of Forrest’s Escort Camp #1239 in Villa Rica.

Saturday, November 11th – A Veterans Day Observance Ceremony will be conducted at 11:00 a.m. The service will be held at the All Wars Monument located at 4th and Broad Streets. This memorial service is sponsored by the Augusta/CSRA Veterans organization.









Meeting Minutes for September 14th, 2006

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant — Augusta, Georgia

Camp Commander Nick Posey called the monthly meeting of Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 to order at 7:00 p.m. Chaplain Tony Carr gave the invocation and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. Commander Posey then led the Pledge of Allegiance to the "Real" Georgia State Flag, the salute to the Confederate Flag, and the salute to the Christian Flag. He then read the "SCV Charge."

Commander Posey introduced twenty-one guests from other SCV camps and local UDC chapters in area, plus some first time visitors. He also welcomed back Dr. John Baxley who had relocated to Ohio a little over two years ago, but has now returned to the Augusta area.

The meeting minutes of the August meeting were approved as published in the September Wigwag.

Confederate History Minute

Commander Posey introduced Mr. Phil Turner, "The Gray Poet," who read one of his poems entitled "LEE!" This poem briefly summed up Robert E. Lee the man, his character, example of leadership, and his legacy.

Program Speaker

Commander Posey introduced Dr. Russell K. Brown who gave a very interesting and informative talk about Confederate General William H.T. Walker focusing more on his personal life, but also discussing some facts about his Military life. He is buried in the Walker Family Cemetery located on the grounds of Augusta State University, along with numerous family members. He also noted after his talk that General Robert E. Lee came to Augusta in June 1870 to visit with the old veterans of United Confederate Veterans Camp # 435. In October 1870 General Lee passed away.

Miscellaneous Announcements

Tommy Miller Sr., gave notice in reference to the new Georgia social studies books saying that the top three Georgia heroes are: 1) Paul Revere 2) Fredrick Douglas & 3) A black lady in Florida who was instrumental in setting up a school for black children in the late 1800s after the War Between the States. He then went on to ask what do you expect from the writers of the book who are from Berkley, California?

Compatriot Bobby Snider from the Sgt. Berry Benson Camp #1672 in North Augusta invited everyone to attend the Stephen Dill Lee Banquet, which is being held on Friday, September 22nd. He also stated they have considered starting an education day and will have it on the grounds where the Battle of Aiken is held. More information is to follow once the particulars are worked out.

Compatriot Jack Bailie announced the dates for the Raid on 1810 West Inn & Rendezvous re-enactment in Thomson, which will run October 21st & 22nd.

Lt Commander Ron Udell asked for volunteers to help with parking during the Raid on 1810 West Inn & Rendezvous re-enactment in Thomson on October 21st & 22nd.

Reports of Officers

Lieutenant Commander Ron Udell announced the Hephzibah Fest for Saturday, September 23rd. We will need to form up for the parade by 9:00 a.m. He stated that we would not participate in the Sportsman Festival in Warrenton this year. Members were asked to come out and help man the booth at the Oliver Hardy Festival on Saturday, October 7th, in Harlem.

Adjutant Perry Herron provided the Camp Finance Report for the month of July.

Commander Nick Posey reported on the following items:

1) SCV Membership Dues for the 2006 – 2007 membership year were due starting August 1st; members have until November 1st to pay dues.

2) Congratulations to Dr. John Baxley on his appointment to the Board of Directors of the Brooks Fund.

The Brooks Fund was created to fund medical research through post-doctoral fellowships or research professorships at accredited medical schools. The person receiving a grant does not have to be in the SCV, but must be a Confederate descendant – male or female.

3) Cleburne Mini-Bust Raffle: Lt Commander Ron Udell has 300 raffle tickets to sell. We’ll have the drawing when all tickets have been sold.

4) At our last Camp Officers’ Meeting on August 29th, we unanimously decided that it would not be a good idea to have a publicized dedication ceremony for the flag on the Powder Works Chimney. The less publicity and attention the flag gets, the better. Since then I have spoken with Past Commander Woody Highsmith, and he believes we should have a dedication ceremony with just people from within our groups (SCV, UDC and friends & family), and have a printed program to give out, which would serve as a record of having had a dedication ceremony.

5) Ron Udell & Henry Gilmer have decided that the camp will not setup a booth at the Sportsman’s Festival in Warrenton on Saturday, November 11th.

6) The first Saturday of every month is being permanently set as the camp’s workday at Magnolia Cemetery; the Old Men’s Crew will have a workday in middle of every month. Tim Hardin suggested having a workday set for the first Saturday of every month.

7) The next Magnolia Cemetery Workday is Saturday, October 7th, 9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.

8) Anyone interested in running for a Camp Officer’s position should contact 2nd Lt Commander David Powell to get your name on the nominations list as a candidate, or you can be nominated from the floor at the November 9th Camp Meeting. The election of Officers will be done at the December 14th Meeting.

9) The camp officers agreed at the officers’ meeting on August 29th that the Newsletter Editor and the Recording Secretary should be Camp Officers. The membership will have to approve.

10) Our Lee-Jackson Banquet will be on Saturday, January 13th, 2007. Suggestions are needed for a good location to have the banquet.

11) The Camp now has 98 members on the roster. Hopefully we won’t lose over 5 to 7 members after the renewal deadline on November 1st.

12) Camp #158 T-Shirts available: $12.00 for sizes up to XL; $13.00 for XXL.

Applications for Membership

The following Men were accepted for membership into the Camp #158 under the condition that the information provided on their applications is correct:

■ Lonnie Bargeron was accepted for membership through his 2nd Great Grandfather, Private John Gunol Bargeron of Company G, 32nd GA Regiment.

■ Mark Alan Gay, Sr. was accepted for membership through his 2nd Great Grandfather, Private Thomas Nathan Tudor of Company G, 21st Regiment GA Volunteer Army.

■ Joseph Poteet was accepted for membership through his 2nd Great Uncle, Private Ervin H. Poteet of Company C, 11th Regiment GA Infantry.

■ Timothy McPhail Price was accepted for membership through his 2nd Great Grandfather, Private Samuel Bussey Rogers of Company G, 7th Regiment SC Infantry.

Presentation of SCV Membership Certificates

New member Kenneth Turner was presented his SCV Membership Certificate, and was administered the membership pledge by Commander Nick Posey and Adjutant Perry Herron.

New Business

1) A motion was made and passed to pay for two more SCV recruiting signs at $25.00 each, and two vinyl labels with the camp’s local telephone number at $5.00 each, for a total of $60.00.

2) A motion was made and passed to pay $40.00 for gas to next month’s speaker, Dr. John Griffin, since he is driving from Lancaster, SC, only a few miles from the NC Stateline.

3) Currently we have a drawing and give away various prizes at the end of each monthly camp meeting. Tickets are sold for $1.00 each and the money goes into our joint Southern Legal Resource Center/Lee-Jackson Banquet Fund. From the money raised monthly, $50.00 is donated to the SLRC. The remaining money goes into our Lee-Jackson Banquet Fund to help defray the cost of our annual Lee-Jackson Banquet held every January. A motion was made and passed to split the money raised from the monthly SLRC/Lee-Jackson Banquet Fund prize drawing after the deduction of the $50 donation to the Southern Legal Resource Center. Each month one-half of these proceeds will remain in the Lee Jackson Banquet fund and one-half will be placed into the camp’s general fund.

4) Our Lee-Jackson Banquet will be held on Saturday, January 13th, 2007. For entertainment at the banquet a motion was made and passed to reserve Stan Clardy, a Southern heritage entertainer who does a 50-minute program. His fee to perform is $350.00. (If he sells $350.00 worth CDs, DVDs, books, tapes, merchandise, etc., his fee is waived.) Other expenses incurred will be $125.00 for hotel accommodations for Stan and his wife, a $100 gas allowance for travel and mileage, and $25.00 to cover miscellaneous expenses. Total Cost: $600.00.

5) A motion was made and passed to donate $200.00 to the 5th Georgia Infantry to help defray the cost of the Raid on 1810 West Inn & Rendezvous re-enactment in October.


Commander Posey reminded everyone to consult the Meeting Agenda for a list of upcoming events. These events as listed in the agenda are repeated here:

■ Friday, September 22nd – The annual Stephen Dill Lee Banquet hosted by the Sergeant Berry G. Benson Camp #1672 will be held at the North Augusta Country Club at 6:00 p.m. The keynote speaker is Dr. Clyde Wilson. Tickets are $25.00 for adults and $15.00 for children under age 14. To purchase tickets contact Commander John Harris at 803-279-1402 and email address jharris353@comcast.net or Lt. Commander Jerry Pittman at 803-279-6121. Please RSVP by Friday, September 15th.

■ Saturday, September 23rd – Hephzibah’s September Fest: Re-enactors and members of the camp will march in the festival’s parade at 10:00 a.m. The camp has reserved a booth in order to sell camp store items and remaining raffle tickets. Festival hours will be from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The location is Windsor Spring Road & Georgia Highway 88 behind Wally’s Gas Station & Convenience Store.

■ Saturday, September 30th Camp #158 members will have a booth at the Barnyard Flea Market

■ Saturday, October 7th – The Oliver Hardy Festival is to be held in downtown Harlem. The camp has reserved a booth to sell camp store merchandise and the remaining raffle tickets before the drawing around 1:00 p.m. Festival hours are from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

■ Thursday, October 12th – The next Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 Meeting will be held at Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant at 7:00 p.m. Our program speaker will be Dr. John Griffin from Lancaster, SC. He’ll be speaking on his recently published book, "The Execution of Abraham Lincoln."

Door Prize Drawing

The monthly prize drawing to provide funding to the Southern Legal Resource Center and our Lee-Jackson Banquet Fund was conducted.


There being no objection to adjourn the meeting, it was so declared by general consent by Commander Posey. Camp Historian Ben Creech gave the Benediction followed by a heartfelt singing of DIXIE by all members and guests present.


Respectfully submitted,

Adjutant Perry Herron

Conscripted Secretary

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

P. O. Box 3694, Hill Station

Augusta, GA 30904


"Truth crushed to the earth is truth

still and like a seed will rise again."

-- President Jefferson Davis


***** Next SCV Camp #158 Meeting *****

Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant - October 12th, 7:00 pm

Wig WagOctober 2006 Edition

The Official Monthly Newsletter of

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Augusta, Georgia