September 2005

Commander’s Column - By Nick Posey

An important issue at this time is the payment of annual SCV membership dues. It’s of the utmost importance to the SCV and the cause of preserving our Southern heritage that all of our members renew their membership. Each and every member is needed in the fight for our heritage. I’m asking those of you who haven’t sent in your dues, please do not delay in getting them paid on time.

Annual membership dues are payable starting August 1st and must be received by SCV National Headquarters and the Georgia Division SCV by November 1st. If you are going to mail in your dues, they need to be received by October 22nd. The Adjutant and Treasurer need to receive dues by this date in order to give them adequate time to complete the required paperwork and submit payment for dues to SCV National Headquarters and the GA Division SCV Adjutant.

NOTE: Dues not paid in time to be processed by November 1st, or dues paid after November 1st will require the payment of a $5.00 reinstatement fee.

Camp #158 Dues Payment Schedule:

*Regular Membership Dues are $41.00 ($20-SCV National + $12-GA Division + $9-Camp #158)

*GA Division SCV Life Members pay $29.00 ($20-SCV National + $9-Camp #158)

*SCV National Life Members pay $21.00 ($12-GA Division + $9-Camp #158)

*SCV National & GA Division SCV Life Members pay $9.00 ($9-Camp #158)

Dues can be paid at the camp meeting on October 13th, or make checks payable to SCV Camp #158 and mail dues to:

B/G E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

P. O. Box 3694, Hill Station

Augusta, GA 30904

Camp News & Events

Camp #158 members attended or participated in the following events:

Thursday, August 18th Magnolia Cemetery Workday in the Confederate sections of the cemetery.

Saturday, August 20th – Camp #158 re-enactors went to Statesboro and participated in the Mickell Memorial Cemetery Dedication Service honoring the Confederate soldiers interred in this small family cemetery. Ogeechee Rifles Camp #941 in Statesboro hosted the memorial service.

Friday, August 26th – In celebration of the premiere showing of "The Battle of Aiken" at Augusta’s historic Imperial Theater, members of Camp #158 and members of their families participated in a parade march with other camps from St. Paul's Episcopal Church to the theater on Broad Street. At the end of the march the re-enactors stopped at the Confederate monument on Broad Street and fired several volleys before entering the Imperial Theater to see the movie. Brigadier General Barnard E. Bee Camp #1575 of Aiken, SC, hosted this event.

Thursday, September 1st Magnolia Cemetery Workday in the Confederate sections of the cemetery.


Saturday, October 1st – Annual Oliver Hardy Festival in downtown Harlem, Georgia. The festival starts at 9:00 a.m. and Camp #158 members will march in the parade at 10:00 a.m., we will have a booth set up to sell camp merchandise.

Saturday, October 8th & Sunday, October 9th Raid on 1810 West Inn & Rendezvous, hosted by the 5th Georgia Infantry Re-enactors: This event will be held at the 1810 Country Inn and Winery in Thomson; Featuring Historians from 1800 thru 1870; War Between The States Battles at 2:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday; Camps open at 9:00 a.m. Admission is Free

Directions: Traveling west on I-20, take Thomson Exit 172. Turn left off of exit to go towards Thomson and then take the first right on North Seymour Drive. For additional information, call Captain Dave Shockey at (706) 793-3216.

Thursday, October 13th – Our next Camp #158 Meeting will be held at Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant at 7:00.

Quotes by Southerners

"I can whip any man who doesn’t know his headquarters from his hindquarters." Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson’s response to Yankee General Pope’s brag in 1862 that "My headquarters are in the saddle."

"History as written, if accepted in future years, will consign the South to infamy." From The Southern States of the American Union, published in 1895 by J.L.M. Curry (1825 – 1903).

"The disposition to make money out of the war accounts for much of the zeal in the North, which was mistaken for political ardor or the temper of patriotic devotion." Statement made in 1862 by Edward A. Pollard (1831 –1872).

Scripture for Thought

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33

Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. - Deuteronomy 7:9


Meeting Minutes for August 11th, 2005

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant - Augusta, Georgia

Camp Commander Nick Posey called the monthly meeting of Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158 to order at 7:00 PM. Chaplain Tony Carr gave the invocation and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. Commander Posey then led the Pledge of Allegiance to the "Real" Georgia State Flag and the salute to the Confederate Flag. Lee Herron then read the "SCV Charge."

Commander Posey introduced approximately fifteen guests in attendance. Our 5th Brigade Commander, Michael Mull, and Deke Cox, the 2nd Lt. Commander of the Ogeechee Rifles Camp #941, Statesboro, Georgia. Also present were representatives from the Berry Benson Chapter 2584 of the UDC from North Augusta, and several SCV Camps (Confederate Memorial Camp #1432 of Stone Mountain; Maj. Gen. Ambrose Ransom Wright Camp #1914 of Evans; and Wilson Tigers-Company I, 48th Georgia Camp 245 of Hephzibah, GA).

There being no additions or corrections, the meeting minutes of the July meeting were approved as published in the August Wigwag.

Commander Posey then introduced the evening's guest speaker, Dr. Russell K. Brown, a retired army officer who writes and speaks on military and local history and genealogy. He holds a doctorate in U.S. History. This is his fourth book and his third on Georgia in the Civil War. Dr. Brown has also worked at a nuclear power plant and has been an undergraduate and graduate college instructor. He is also a member of the William Few Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution.

Dr. Brown spoke on his new book "Our Connection with Savannah: History of the 1st Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters." His interest in sharpshooters was sparked by visiting a website on the Internet. Having regiments of specialized sharpshooters was a unique concept in the military and alien to the hometown unit tradition. Men were asked to leave the comfortable companionship of their neighbors and friends and go into a unit with people they had never met before. Despite its uncertain beginning, the battalion was molded into a fine unit by the skill and energy of its officers and noncommissioned officers. The battalion played important roles in numerous battles and campaigns, but by the war's end, like all Confederate units, its ranks were decimated.

In appreciation of his efforts to provide our camp with his interesting facts and insights, Commander Posey presented to Dr. Brown a framed photograph of the Confederate Powder Works Chimney taken at its 140th Anniversary in 2002.

Application for Membership

Joe Winstead made application for membership through his great-great grandfather, 1st Lt. John Bissett of the 7th North Carolina Infantry. A motion was made to accept Joe into the camp and this passed by a unanimous voice vote.

General Comments

Tommy Miller, Sr. commended the Augusta Chronicle for their recent Mini Page article. Though normally promoting a politically correct agenda, this lesson on Reconstruction and the Homestead Act, correctly informed the young audience that Indians and Confederate Veterans were not allowed to participate in the benefits of the act.

David Shockey, captain of the 5th Georgia Infantry, announced the unit's reenactment, "Raid on 1810 West Inn and Rendezvous" in Thomson on October 8th and 9th. Volunteers from Camp 158 are needed to help with parking and other activities. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Admission is free. For more information visit:

Lee Herron passed out copies of a petition requesting Memphis, Tennessee, City Council members not to rename monuments and parks honoring Southern heritage (Forrest, Davis and Confederate).

Woody Highsmith provided a report of the key happenings at the SCV Annual Convention in Nashville where he represented Camp 158.

Commander Posey announced that prints of a new painting of Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander are available for purchase.

A short recess was then taken.

Reports of Officers

1st Lieutenant Commander Ron Udell reported a successful Barnyard Flea Market on August 6th; approximately $83 was taken in at the camp's booth and the "living history" presentation was well received. The camp has received an invitation to the Peanut Festival and Parade in Brooklet, GA, and a memorial service in Statesboro, GA.

Brigade Commander Mull invited all to attend the Memorial Service for the Mickell Family on Saturday, 20 August at the family cemetery east of Statesboro. Seven Mickell brothers fought for the Confederacy and 6 are buried in this cemetery, as well as one family member who served with the Swamp Fox in the American Revolution. A five-foot statue of a Confederate soldier is to be erected in the cemetery.

Treasurer Lee Herron provided the July financial report.

Adjutant Perry Herron reported that camp work details had worked at Magnolia Cemetery on July 21st, and August 4th, 5th and 6th. The lawn maintenance was completed and the headstones for the two Levy brothers were replaced. Charles Lunsford's transfer papers were submitted to SCV Headquarters. It is time to be thinking of annual membership dues again. For regular members, $41 is required before November 1st.

2nd Lieutenant Commander David Powell stated that the Augusta Genealogical Society is seeking the camp's help for tours in Magnolia Cemetery on the 19th through 21st of August. His crew will work there on the 18th to cut the grass in the Confederate sections.

Commander Nick Posey reported on the following:

New Business


Commander Posey reminded all to consult the Meeting Agenda handout for a list of upcoming events. These events as listed in the agenda are repeated here:

General Comments - None

Door Prize Drawing

The monthly door prize drawing to provide funding to the Southern Legal Resource Center was conducted.


There being no objection to adjourn the meeting, it was so declared by general consent by Commander Posey. Roy Williams provided the Benediction and this was followed by our usual resounding rendition of Dixie.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Lee Bowers

Conscripted Secretary


Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

P. O. Box 3694, Hill Station

Augusta, GA 30904


"Truth crushed to the earth is truth

still and like a seed will rise again."

-- President Jefferson Davis



***** Next SCV Camp #158 Meeting *****

October 13th, Sconyers Bar-B-Que Restaurant, 7:00 pm

Come join us at 6:30 to eat Georgia’s best barbeque before the meeting

Wig Wag - September 2005 Edition

The Official Monthly Newsletter of

Brigadier General E. Porter Alexander Camp #158

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Augusta, Georgia